Drop-Offs/Pick-ups at O’Neill CVI
Safety of our students is always our number one priority. Parents/Guardians are reminded that drop-offs/pick-ups occur on Mary St (back of school) or Simcoe St (front of school). Drop-offs can occur in our parking lot before buses begin arriving and pick-ups can occur in our parking lot once our first eight buses arrive and leave.
Parents/Guardians are reminded not to use neighbouring driveways or apartment parking lots as their drop-off/pick-up spots. These areas are private property.
Parents/Guardians are reminded to avoid the east side of Mary St (no stop zone) and to follow the city signs for times of drop-off and pick-up. Bylaw officers do frequently come to Mary St and issue tickets outside these times.
To avoid the limited areas we have surrounding our school, think about parking down the street or around the block and have your child meet your there instead.
Thanks for assisting us in keeping your children safe.